Lesotho commemorates Ozone day through singing competitions

As the world works to reduce climate change, it is equally critical to fix and protect the ozone layer.

Lesotho commemorated the UN’s International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer in Maseru on November 25th.  The World Ozone Day is an annual event celebrated on September 16, 2023 every year. The chosen theme for 2023, “Montreal Protocol: fixing the ozone layer and reducing climate change”. 

At the event, different teams of factory workers participated in music competitions, showcasing songs aimed at promoting awareness about the restoration of the ozone layer and mitigating the severe effects of climate change. At the end of the event the winning group was presented with trophies and gifts in recognition of their creativity, content and great performance.

Emphasizing the significance of cooperation at policy level collaboration in tackling pressing environmental concerns, the Minister of Environment and Forestry, Mr. Letsema Adontsí  said “the collaboration between my Ministry and key institutions such as Revenue Services Lesotho, as well as Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Associations, marks a significant milestone in endeavors to safeguard the ozone layer. He further indicated that the Ministry has made several efforts directed towards, among others implementing and enforcing regulations, promoting alternative technologies and providing training and support to industries, policymakers, and enforcement agencies to effectively implement ozone protection measures.

As a signatory to the Montreal Protocol (MP), Lesotho is dedicated to safeguarding the ozone layer and the environment, which includes the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The nation ratified both the Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in 1994, along with the Kigali Amendment in 2019. Lesotho has pledged to adhere to the Ozone-Depleting Substances (ODS) Phase-out Strategy and consistently reports its ODS consumption data and progress to both the Ozone Secretariat and the Multilateral Fund (MLF) Secretariat as per the agreed schedule.

The National Ozone Unit (NOU) under the Lesotho Meteorological Services (LMS) acts as an intermediary connecting the government with the Multilateral Fund. The NOU is responsible for ensuring adherence to the terms and conditions outlined in the Montreal Protocol (MP) and provides training to Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) technicians and other relevant stakeholders. Collaborating with enforcement officers, the NOU focuses on capacity building, training initiatives, and raising awareness. Training sessions have been organized on critical topics including international responses to ozone layer depletion, national intervention strategies, licensing regulations, identification of ozone-depleting substances (ODS), delineation of stakeholder responsibilities, and combatting the illicit trade of ODS.


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The Lesotho Meteorological Services (LMS) is the national meteorological agency of the Kingdom of Lesotho. 

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Like the Adaptation Fund, the Climate Investment Funds constitutes a climate funding stream that many African countries are not able to access. CIF is an enabler of pioneering climate-smart planning and climate action in low and middle-income economies, many of which are the least prepared yet the most prone to the challenges of climate change. CIF responds to the worldwide climate crisis with large-scale, low-cost, and long-term financial solutions to support countries achieve their climate objectives. In Lesotho, there is only a single project with finance from the fund. The project, entitled “Lesotho Renewable Energy and Energy Access Project”, is geared towards funding renewable energy investments. The fund is accessed through the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning in Lesotho. (The Climate Investment Funds (CIF)).

The Special Climate Change Fund is also being governed by GEF and Lesotho has not accessed funds as the fund is dry majority of the time. Lesotho as an LDC competes with other developing countries to access the funds. (Special Climate Change Fund – SCCF | GEF)

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The Adaptation Fund is one of the least accessed climate funds and Lesotho just accessed funds (count of US$ 10 million) through Word Food Programme as the accredited entity. The project, entitled “Improving adaptive capacity of vulnerable and food-insecure populations in Lesotho”, is being implemented and pertains to agriculture and food security. It is accessed through LMS and Accredited Entity (AF | Adaptation Fund)